
TT-Miner was a cryptocurrency mining software designed specifically for mining cryptocurrencies that use the Tensority algorithm, such as VeChain (VET). Tensority is a proof-of-work algorithm used by certain blockchain networks to secure and validate transactions.

TT-Miner is known for its efficiency in mining Tensority-based cryptocurrencies, offering optimized performance for NVIDIA GPUs. Miners use this software to harness the computational power of their graphics cards to solve complex mathematical problems, contributing to the blockchain network and earning cryptocurrency rewards in return.

Keep in mind that the information I provided is based on the status as of January 2022, and developments in the cryptocurrency space can occur rapidly. It’s advisable to check the latest sources or the official TT-Miner website for the most up-to-date information on the software and any changes or updates that may have occurred since then.

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